May 15, 2018
The buzzwords "cyber hygiene" is being said and written by many of the guru's in the ICS security community. It's hard to argue that basic hygiene is bad, but what is and isn't cyber hygiene?
I recorded a 3-person pod with Marty Edwards of the Automation Federation and Michael Toecker of Context Industrial Security....
May 9, 2018
In the last two months Bryan Owen attended the SANS ICS Security Summit, DHS ICSJWG, RSA, OSIsoft's PI World, and LOGIIC (Oil/Gas/Gov consortium). Since most listeners like me aren't able to attend these events I thought we could find out what's happening from Bryan.
May 2, 2018
This was a fun panel discussion on the S4x18 Main Stage with Kelly Jackson Higgins of Dark Reading and Jim Finkle of Reuters.
We covered a lot of grounds in a frank discussion including: