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Unsolicited Response Podcast

Apr 19, 2023

The August 2021 Unsolicited Response episode with Edgard Capdevielle, CEO of Nozomi Networks, was a fan favorite. So Dale invited Edgard back, like the first time it was a wide ranging and fun conversation. His budget analogy of OT security and a new child in the family was Dale's favorite part.

They cover a lot of ground including:

  • the OT visibility and detection market growth in the last two years
  • whether he stands by his 2021 view that a company that does "X, Y, Z and OT security" doesn't really do OT security
  • how much of the back end (non-sensor) part of the market is moving to the cloud now and what will it be in three years. Plus some disagreements / discussion on architecture
  • budget muscle and momentum
  • what sort of metrics should an asset owner use to determine the value of these OT visibility and detection solutions
  • how is the US Government affecting the market Enjoy!